Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can you say bad to the bone?

Chase Jarvis is the man and he re-convinces me of this every-time he posts a new video of his exploits.

Old School image takers

I love the embossed logo on my Brownie so much that I think I would be willing to tattoo on my body

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Creative Block

I'm in the middle of an awful spell of creative block. Nothing seems to be coming naturally or smoothly and what I have been able to choke up has taken three times as long as it should and fails to knock my socks off. Lets hope the clients don't feel the same

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back at the freelance

Health Synergy, originally uploaded by jOn aShcRofT???.

A recent logo project I've been working on for an accupunture office. I gave them three concepts and this is the curve ball piece i threw in. I doubt it will be chosen over the other two seeing as they were more in line with what they were after, but it's my personal favorite.