Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fixie frenzy

My YANAGISAWA, originally uploaded by nb log.

I can't exactly explain why but every once in awhile I find something that I want to be a part of so bad that it hurts and that I feel I should have been doing for years. This happened to me recently when I read an article in the PHX New Times about the increasing popularity of fixed gear bikes and the culture surrounding them. The article was centered around "alley cat" races held in the city that involve scrambling across intersections to grab your bike, darting through traffic and finding the best possible route through the city to multiple checkpoints. How awesome does that sound? I've also always been drawn to the simplicity and beauty of road bikes, particularly early and vintage models that don't have all the bells and whistles of newfangled modern technology. I've been a fixie fan for sometime I guess, I just didn't know it.


Dusty & Cyndie said...
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Dusty & Cyndie said...

Gigadee! that sounds way fun! i never heard of that. I'm sure SF has some of that. Guess i'll have to let the Red Dragon unleash her fire on the masses. I stopped by the dropzone like a year and half ago and this guy just gave me this fixed gear bike. It's handmade italian with custom hubs. I've been riding it to work for a while fixed gears are pretty trippy to ride.
(Sorry i screwed up my first comment)

Dusty & Cyndie said...

I took a picture of it, check it out bra...

Jon Ashcroft said...

That thing is gnarly! I really want to build one from the frame up so I can learn and make it my own.

Dusty & Cyndie said...

Craigslist, you need to make sure what you buy has horizontal drop outs though. That means the back tire slides off the frame horizontally instead of vertically. To adjust the chain.